Staff Augmentation Services

On-Site Technology staff augmentation services were born from the extensive staff procurement processes we have developed over the years.  The amount of time, money, and resources organizations consume during the hiring process of an employee is massive.

  • According to Deloitte, the average cost per hire is almost $4,000! The average job posting on, Linkedin, Career Builder or is $400 plus the 1-2 hours of time it takes to write up the position.
  • Onboarding process of interviewing, training, human resources administrative time, and the IT side of adding the user, setting up their machine(s), and phones adds up quickly.
  • Deloitte also found that 44% of millennials say, if given the choice, they would like to leave their current employers within the next two years.

It’s time to stop the madness with On-Site Technology’s staff augmentation services.

Benefits of Staff Augmentation Services

Stay flexible by hiring on a per project basis

Increased flexibility with IT Staff and IT Project Managers

Control risk management & compliance with reduced overhiring

Increase internal staff productivity by outsourcing the hiring process

Easily save time and money by outsourcing your specific hiring needs

Cost effective alternative to recruiting, interviewing, & hiring a regular employee

Specific Skill Sets

Only hire the specific skill sets you need on a per project, month, or weekly basis.  Cut costs by offloading the internal responsibilities of hiring new employee’s by up to 40%.  Recruiters and job agencies charge upwards of $10,000 or more per hire which is outrageous.  Pay a set percentage based on the skill set and time frame you need every time.

Competitive Advantage

Use us as your service partner to complement your existing IT staff to gain further savings.  This gives your business a leg up on your competition because as your IT Service Provider, we will already understand your business, workflows, and IT infrastructure to fast track employee onboarding with automation tools.

Risk Mitigation

Uncertainty drives us business owners and managers mad when it comes to strategic planning.  If I hire a project manager today, what happens when that project is over and then business becomes slow? Now you’re paying for idle productivity and will get whacked again if you let that employee go just for them to collect unemployment!

Cost Control

One of the most common mistakes when comparing the cost of internal resources to a resource hired by a staff augmentation service is not taking in the full costs of the internal resource.  How much time was spent internally hiring that person? What about training? How much is that employee’s total salary including payroll taxes, benefits cost, vacation, sick, and personal time?


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