Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online

Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online Services


What are your business goals and furthermore what are your technology goals?  On-Site Technology can sit down with you and plan your Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online rollout to be aligned with your business strategy not the other way around.


Our services include:


  • Pre-migration SharePoint planning
  • Full SharePoint migration services
  • Post SharePoint migration services
  • SharePoint Online training
  • SharePoint Online security & workflow services
File Sharing & Storage

Each user can share files with at least 1TB of OneDrive storage.

External Sharing

Securely share files with people both inside and outside your organization

Content Management

Manage and organize all content within libraries with searchable metadata, records management, and retention policies.

Team Sites

Have a different site for each of your teams to organize and collaborate on projects, content, data, and news.

Communication Sites

Share and communicate your groups message across the organization with beautiful dynamic communication sites.


Engage your organization teams with intranets and sites to tell your story, announce news, share resources, streamline processes, and engage people.

Mobile Apps

Access all of the team sites and content with SharePoint mobile app for Android, iOS, and Windows.


Automate business processes with alerts and workflows.

Advanced Search

Enterprise search and results with enhanced features to surface resources across Office 365.


Find & hold data in electronic format for litigation or auditing.

DLP Capabilities

Classify & label all of your data with advanced data-loss prevention (DLP) to identify, monitor, and protect sensitive information.

In-Place Hold

Use an In-Place hold to systematically prevent content deletion or editing.

Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online


File servers have become under fire recently because of their susceptibility to ransomware attacks.  SharePoint Online is immune to this type of attack because files are not stored on shared or mapped network drives.  Furthermore, migrating away from a file server lightens your infrastructure load for backups as you will no longer need to perform local backup administration on this type of environment.  SharePoint Online has some game changing features that you will not see in a local file server such as the ability of classifying and labeling data.  Do you have Intellectual Property (IP) that you need to protect? What about Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for your customers and employee’s? Do you have sensitive or confidential documents that you don’t want accidentally or intentally leaked outside the organization?  SharePoint Online services has you covered.


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